The Torah of Creativity is a lens on Jewish sacred texts that invites us to discover and access the vitality within and all around us.

This orientation helps us remain awake to the world as it is — in all its beauty and brokenness — and stirs within us the courage to envision and call forth the future that is waiting to be born.

The six core texts below are the foundation of this emerging framework.

בצלם אלהים B’Tzelem Elohim
We are Created Creative

Each and every person is endowed with creative capacity. Accessing and activating our creativity is how we partner with the Divine in the ongoing work of creation.

A vibrant piece of art made using the Jewish Studio Process

תהו ובהו Tohu Va’Vohu
Creation Comes from Chaos and Void

Each of us has the ability to delve into the chaos and void within ourselves and within the world and to transform what we find through the sacred process of creating.

A vibrant piece of art made using the Jewish Studio Process

לך–לך Lech L’Cha
We are Called to Journey into the Unknown

By venturing into the unknown we experience surprise, align with our truth, connect to the Divine and bring something new into the world.

A vibrant piece of art made using the Jewish Studio Process

אהיה אשר אהיה Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh
God is Process

Like the Divine, we too are in a continuous process of becoming. This process of growth and transformation connects us to something bigger and beyond ourselves.

A vibrant piece of art made using the Jewish Studio Process

הפוך בה Hafoch Bah
Everything Contains Multitudes

Jewish text and tradition is alive and invites us into an on-going, co-creative relationship in which both our own consciousness and the meaning of the text continue to evolve.

אדם עולם קטן /עולם אדם גדול Adam Olam Katan/Olam Adam Gadol
We Are Each a Microcosm of the World/The World is a Macrocosm of the Human Being

To change the world, we must be willing to change ourselves. Social transformation requires inner work; inner work equips us for and sustains us in working towards positive social change.

A vibrant piece of art made using the Jewish Studio Process